I have all sorts of catching up to do, don't I. Hm... So, overall, things are going well. We've managed to live through the first week (aka 3 days) of the Prestage, which is a little rough but not unmanageable. Personally, I feel like I'm constantly one step behind everyone else in the grammar class. There's just so much to know! We had to go through a story and do a whole bunch of conjugations, and apparently it was supposed to be in the passe simple... but no one told me that! (For those of you who don't know, the passe simple is this mildly useless conjugation because it's the literary tense. Normal people don't need it, so I never bothered to learn. Oops.) We also had a test, which went alright, and we have a test in our comprehension class on Monday. Oh boy. Speaking of classes, I've been tossing around the idea of taking an Italian class this semester. I know that it would be a royal pain to learn a foreign language while immersed in another, but it would really help along my plans to visit Italy this winter... We'll see, I guess.

This is slightly unrelated, but I went into a book store the other day to buy notebooks and a dictionary and made a rather interesting discovery. The notepaper that they use here is not merely larger, but has all these extra lines! It's like graph paper on crack. Seriously hard core. Also, I bought a French-French dictionary (not sure if I'll actually have the patience to use it) and the best part? I found bilingual books! As in, one page is English, and the other is French! I was thrilled. This means I can read and not need to look anything up. I got The Strange Case of Benjamin Button (ou, l'Etrange Histoire du Benjamin Button) and Sherlock Holmes Investigates (ou, Sherlock Holmes enquete). I'm psyched. The funny thing is that in order to make the text line up, the English is in bold font and the French in normal font. Goes to show you that everything takes longer to say in French.
Let's see... I went grocery shopping which was pretty exciting, and even managed to make myself dinner! I was so very proud of myself. I made rice, broccoli and a cheese sauce and it was actually really good, and everything that I ate cost about one euro. Huzzah!
Friday evening was quite an event. There was some sort of festival thing going on downtown, so the group of us went. I got there, paid my 4 euro for a wine glass and then got 3 free wine tastings! I had two white and one rose. I didn't feel brave enough for a red wine. There was a band playing at the Corum (not actually sure what it is, but it's also the name of a tram stop) which was gyspy/Spanish/I dunno, but it was great. Everyone was dancing, and it was just a good time. There was this one older woman doing this flamenco dance off to the side, which was amazing. I stayed until about 11 and then headed home, as a. I was just a tiny bit wobbly and b. my feet hurt like hell (I was feeling a bit down, so I figured that dressing up would help, so I wore a black shirtdress and my awesome heels. Said awesome heels should not be worn for multiple miles, though (Speaking of my dress... So, there's this grill on the ground, above the metro. I walked over it, in my dress, too busy strutting around to think about where my dress was. Next thing I know, it was around my ears, and I was getting a Very surprised look from a man in front of me. Dear God. I was wearing the plaid undies, too... It was pretty damn hilarious.))
This is a video of us grooving to the band. Montpellier really knows how to have a good time :)
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