So, I have just finished with week #3 of classes, and things are going well, although the sheer number of presentations I need to do this semester is a bit overwhelming--FIVE (although, one down, so only four to go!). However, that's balanced out by the fact that I've had to pay all of 10 euro for my books. Hell yes. Overall, a number of my classes make me want to doze off, but none of my classes are bad, so I'm not going to complain.
Let's see. Last week started off most culturally... With a trip to the opera to see Othello! (On a Tuesday evening, for about 4 euro, no less). It was very good, although not done in traditional-opera-style, as in there was a full orchestra and chorus on stage, and then the singers were in front, not doing any acting and not in costume. Hm. Also surprising was that the opera was absolutely packed! On a Tuesday night! Three cheers for the French!

On Sunday, Mme. Cesari took me, Haruko and her other tenant Blaire out on an excursion to Maguelone, a town about half an hour from Montpellier.
So, right now I'm trying to get over a cold as fast as possible so I can have a good weekend! I have an epic grocery-shopping trip planned for tomorrow, and then the jam in the evening. On Saturday I have a language exchange with a woman named Stephanie which should be fun. I'm hoping that we're at about the same level of language proficiency, or it'll be a bit awkward. And Sunday is... Valentine's Day, which tends to be mildly depressing, but hopefully it'll be alright. Also, I've finally started planning for my February vacation! Hello, Ireland... :) I'm pretty psyched. Now I can be a proper fiddler!

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