So, it has been a really busy two weeks. Last weekend was really (wonderfully) intense, with lots of music, lots of people, lots of friends and interesting people. Last week was also intense, but in a less-enjoyable way, as I had a 15-minute presentation for my art history class on Wednesday, which went alright but wasn't easy, and then a trip to Nimes for another class which turned out to be a bit of a hassle. This weekend certainly had its high points, but I've had a bit of a cold (and no voice), so that got in the way a lot, which was no fun.
At the end of my last post, I expressed hope that the beginning of March meant the beginning of spring. Naturally, a week later, the weather decided to prove us very wrong:

SNOW! Luckily it's a little springier now.

We decided that to celebrate the beautiful day yesterday, we should have a picnic! At the same time, though, there was an Occitan heritage parade gathering in the park! (It's a little hard to see, but there was a really big crowd, most of them in yellow and red, the colors of the Occitan flag)

Kinda like Halloween for little Occitan kiddies. SO CUTE.

So, for the picnic, there was: Baguette and Gruyere...

... And red wine...

... And we sat at the base of a statue of Louis XIV. It really doesn't get more French than this. For the first time, this afternoon, I felt like a Montpellieraine :)

Origami dragon! ...'Cause I'm just that cool.
So, for this week, I have an explication de texte due for my literature class on Wednesday, but that's really all I have to worry about, so it's all good. Other than that, should be a good week, and WARM too!
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