In slightly more recent history, the weekend before last contained not one but TWO adventures. I had heard tell of a dance festival that lasted the entire weekend (shades of Flurry, anyone?) and after a bit of persuading, managed to get a ride up for Sunday! It was in a little town two hours from Montpellier called Saint Jean du Gard which had been more or less infested by musician/dancer/hippie types... Basically, it was like stumbling into a little piece of heaven :)
Une danse en cercle, à la Festival de Boulegan (avec Titouan et Nina qui jouent, aussi que deux mecs avec des cornemuses).
So, the past week has been pretty great, and Sunday was my birthday! Generally, I really dislike birthdays, but this one was perfect: got to spend the day outside in the perfect weather with Manuel (although I was dumb and got a sunburn), and the evening with my friends at a great restaurant. And, my birthday present to myself? Going to Italy on Thursday! I'm leaving in the evening, and rolling into Florence at 8:00 am. I'll be spending two days in Florence and then going to Rome for four days. Let the art-geekery begin!! I'm a little nervous, as I've never traveled alone before, but this is the time to do it, so... Carpe Diem! Stay tuned for the post coming in a week and a half :)
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