My last week in Montpellier... It was quite the mixture between awesome, busy, crazy and just really sad.

So, on Monday, the day that we returned to Montpellier from Corsica... I promptly left again, to go camping at the Lac du Salagou with Manuel. It's a beautiful lake, and the ground it is bright red! (Kinda like Prince Edward Island)

What's a camping trip without bottles of wine?
We got back to Montpellier on Tuesday evening after having a bit of an adventure concerning the car springing a leak and thus loosing coolant and then the oil overheating and smoking... Anyways, so we spent a while hanging out on the side of the highway, until the police came to say hello and call us a towtruck. So, it ended up being a long afternoon, and the car ended up not being worth repairing which was too bad. It was a good car :( R.I.P. and thank you for the many adventures we've had with you.

Wednesday was my last baleti! It was a fun dance, and Sealia took a few pictures, but seeing as it was dark out...

... You'll just have to imagine just how sexy our mazurka was.

And then, onto the last party of the semester! ...What we lack in photogenic-ness we make up for with awesome-ness.
Thursday and Friday were spent taking care of a million little things that needed doing: a final visit to the Musée Fabre, finding an Occitan cross pendant, selling books, spending as much time with my friends and Manuel as possible, shipping things home, cleaning, and last but not least... PACKING. Have I ever mentioned just how thoroughly I hate packing?

Saturday was the day of stomach-gymnastics, with the epic BAFL, (Big Ass Fucking Lunch) with my favorite girls. The sheer amount of good food still boggles my mind.

And then on Sunday morning, it was off to Paris for me... :( :( :( Manuel left me a very cute message on the window, though, which was sweet.
Now, onto my next adventure: Chantilly!
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